Sunday, July 26, 2009

Do guys like curly hair or straight hair better on a girl?

Well its TOTALLY depends on the guy hey?

But now it have been just about proven that guys likethe curly hair better.

Its a look of what can be , innocent but yet wild , and they want to find out , you know men ... they always want to find things out ( re-building something).

With curly hair you can do it in a ton of different ways .

with STraight hair you cant do MUCH with it , but if your on the creative side you can pull something off.

%26gt;me%26lt; i like straight hair because i have natural Wavy hair.

If you want a man lookin at you i n the Summer stick with Wavy hair.

Fall time: Try the Wet scrunchy look.

Winter time: Ringlettes seeing how its close to xmas. and ringlettes are again , they have always been the look of "innocence" ( ex, little red riding hood) But they can also be wild/dangerous/etc what ever you think you might be haha.

Do guys like curly hair or straight hair better on a girl?

curls rule!!!!!

Do guys like curly hair or straight hair better on a girl?

it always just depends what looks good on the girls..

try changing it up and not just keeping straight or curly for 10 years.

Do guys like curly hair or straight hair better on a girl?

Depends on the guy, I imagine. My hubby LOVES curly hair.

Do guys like curly hair or straight hair better on a girl?

im not sure but i think they like straight

Do guys like curly hair or straight hair better on a girl?

natural hair always excepted

Do guys like curly hair or straight hair better on a girl?

I've heard more say straight, and for some reason, the longer the better.

Do guys like curly hair or straight hair better on a girl?

I tend to like curly hair

Do guys like curly hair or straight hair better on a girl?

it shouldn't matter what guys like, it matters what you like and how confident you feel with your hairstyle. if you like curly hair wear it curly, if you like straight wear it straight. you shouldn't get caught up on what guys like. besides, any guy that thinks how you wear your hair is more important than who you are, isn't worth your time.

Do guys like curly hair or straight hair better on a girl?

it depends on the clothes

Do guys like curly hair or straight hair better on a girl?

Well it all depends on what guy u ask. I know some guys that love strait hair but i also know guys who love the curly hair. I personally think whatever your hair is naturally is what looks best on you. I have curly hair and i LOVE it, i try to wear it exactly how it is! And u know what if guys don't like my curly hair then forget them i know that there will be OTHER guys who will LOVE it!

Do guys like curly hair or straight hair better on a girl?

Depends on a girl

Do guys like curly hair or straight hair better on a girl?

depends on the person

Do guys like curly hair or straight hair better on a girl?

Who cares? It's just hair.

Do guys like curly hair or straight hair better on a girl?

My husband likes it either way. I have a perm but some nights I straighten it depends on my mood!!

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